Emma Watson Porn Story: Smells Like Teen Sex

Emma Watson Porn Story: Smells Like Teen Sex

Not to be read by anyone under 18, unless youre a hot chick.

In which case my address is:

6669 NE 42nd St.

Roswell, NM (not really, but you can still drop by and see who lives there if you want)

The following is completely fictional. Any resemblance to reality is entirely coincidental. Contents of this story are merely creative license, not unlike a TV show or movie that uses real people in fictional settings and situations. However, if you do have video or pictures of events similar to the ones described below, feel free to forward them to me for closer examination. Feedback, comments, praise, criticism, death threats, nude photos, etc. can be sent to voodoojoe2000 at yahoo dot com (come on, you can assemble that into an actual e-mail address).

For personal use only. Feel free to distribute to friends, enemies, lovers, hopeful lovers, whatever, just keep my name and e-mail address on the story or I shall hunt you down and make you write the whole damn thing out by hand.

Celebs of choice in this story are Lindsay Lohan, Joanna Levesque (JoJo), and Emma Watson. The codes are (Ff, ff, cons, oral). Go fuck yourself and go read something else if you dislike those codes or want something more. Or better yet, write it yourself.

I hereby advise TRL, and FD to safely buckle themselves in before reading. Reading on waives your right to hold me responsible if you fall out of your chair and hit your head because of the mental image of JoJo wearing the bikini described herein. The rest of you might want to buckle up as well, unless of course hot girls copulating with each other does nothing for you. If that’s the case though, you really should ask yourself why you’re bothering to read this in the first place.

Smells Like Teen Sex

By voodoojoe

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